

Last updated 04 February 2017 trailblazer-endpoint v2.0

Endpoint defines possible outcomes when running an operation and provides a neat matcher mechanism using the dry-matcher gem to handle those predefined scenarios.

It is usable without Trailblazer and helps to implements endpoint in all frameworks, including Rails and Hanami.

To get a quick overview how endpoints work in Rails, jump to the →Rails section.


It replaces the following common pattern with a clean, generic mechanic.

# run operation
result = Song::Create.(...)

# react on outcome:
if result.success? && ....
  # do this
elsif result.success? && something_else
  # do that
elsif # and so on

In place of hard-to-read and hard-wired decider trees, a simple pattern matching happens behind the scenes. do |m|
  m.success         { |result| puts "Model #{result["model"]} was created successfully." }
  m.unauthenticated { |result| puts "You ain't root!" }

It is very beautiful.


An endpoint is supposed to be run either in a controller action, or directly hooked to a Rack route. It runs the specified operation, and then inspects the result object to find out what scenario is met.

The only interface is the result object returned by the operation. Endpoint doesn’t know anything about internals of the operation.

result = Song::Create.(...)

Instead, pre-defined outcomes are matched and trigger behavior in form of handlers.


Possible pre-defined outcomes are:

  • not_found when a model via Model configured as :find_by is not found.
  • unauthenticated when a policy via Policy reports a breach.
  • unauthorized when a policy via Policy reports a breach (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED).
  • created when an operation successfully ran through the pipetree to create one or more models.
  • success when an operation was run successfully.
  • present when an operation is supposed to load model that will then be presented.

All outcomes are detected via a Matcher object implemented in the endpoint gem using pattern matching to do so. Please note that in the current state, those heuristics are still work-in-progress and we need your help to define them properly.

Naturally, you may add your own domain-specific outcomes.


While Matcher is the authoritative source for deciding the state of the operation, it is up to you how to react to those well-defined states. This happens using handlers that you can define manually, or use a built-in set. Currently, we have handlers for Rails controllers and Hanami::Router.

You can pass a block to Endpoint#call with your own handlers and hand in the Result object.

# run operation.
result = Song::Create.({ title: "SVT" }, "current_user" => User.root) do |m|
  m.success         { |result| puts "Model #{result["model"]} was created successfully." }
  m.unauthenticated { |result| puts "You ain't root!" }

While the state decisions are abstracted away, handling those outcomes lies in the programmer’s hands.

Handler Proc

You can also organize common outcomes in a callable object, such as a proc.

MyHandlers = ->(m) do
  m.success         { |result| puts "Model #{result["model"]} was created successfully." }
  m.unauthenticated { |result| puts "You ain't root!" }

And then, hand them into Endpoint#call as the second argument., MyHandlers)

Handler: Proc and Block

When handing in a proc and using a block, the block takes precedence over the proc object’s handlers. This is meant to ad-hoc-override generic behavior., MyHandlers) do |m|
  m.unauthenticated { |result| raise "Break-in!" }

With a successful outcome, the generic handler from MyHandlers is applied. Running this without a current user will raise an exception from the block, though.

Adding Outcomes


Standard handlers are provided for Rails and are meant to replace responders.

require "trailblazer/endpoint/rails" # do that in `config/initializers/trailblazer.rb`!

class SongsController < ApplicationController
  include Trailblazer::Endpoint::Controller

  def create
    endpoint Song::Create, path: songs_path, args: [ params, { "current_user" => current_user } ]

endpoint will run Song::Create, use the pre-defined matchers to find out the scenario, and run a generic handler for it.

Rails Handlers

The generic behavior works as follows.

  • not_found calls head 404. TODO: add descriptions once it’s stable.

Check out the implementation for more details, it’s very readable.

Rails Ad-Hoc Overriding

To run your custom logic in a specific controller action, pass a block to endpoint.

class SongsController < ApplicationController
  def create
    endpoint Create, path: songs_path, args: [ params, { "current_user" => current_user } ] do |m|
      m.created { |result| render json: result["representer.serializer.class"].new(result["model"]), status: 999 }

TODO: explain :path etc, and make it optional.
